Virtual Dedicated Servers

We combined the best of both Cloud VPS and Dedicated Servers so that you can run the most intensive compute workloads. Each VDS comes with 100% dedicated RAM, processors, and Enterprise-grade NVMe SSD storage.

Package CPU Ram Disk Bandwith Price Setup Fee
Package nameCLOUD VDS S CPU3 Physical CoresRam24 GBDisk180 G NVMEBandwith32 TB
250 Mbit/s Port
Price2,070AED monthly Setup Fee520AED Order Now
Package nameCLOUD VDS M CPU4 Physical CoresRam32 GBDisk240 G NVMEBandwith32 TB
500 Mbit/s Port
Price2,500AED monthly Setup Fee625AED Order Now
Package nameCLOUD VDS L CPU6 Physical CoresRam48 GBDisk360 G NVMEBandwith32 TB
750 Mbit/s Port
Price3,710AED monthly Setup Fee930AED Order Now
Package nameCLOUD VDS XL CPU8 Physical CoresRam64 GBDisk480 G NVMEBandwith32 TB
1 Gbit/s Port
Price4,920AED monthly Setup Fee1,230AED Order Now
Package nameCLOUD VDS XXL CPU12 Physical CoresRam96 GBDisk720 G NVMEBandwith32 TB
1 Gbit/s Port
Price6,920AED monthly Setup Fee1,730AED Order Now